We’ve all heard a baby cry for a long time without really knowing what to do or why. However, when pampered, fed or hydrated, his or her sobs do not diminish. This is when the expression “baby needs to teethe” takes on its full meaning!
These episodes of teething represent a difficult period for the children but also for the parents, often helpless and powerless during such temporary pain.
Indeed, it is often complicated to find quick solutions for your little one who, not being old enough to speak, is unable to describe what would ease the pain.
However, a lot of remedies exist to relieve the discomfort and suffering associated with this tooth eruption. Also, specific symptoms can be identified to prevent this transformation in your baby’s mouth.
How to recognize teething? What are the symptoms related to this change in our young children’s mouths? How can we reduce their temporary suffering? Your South Shore dentists at the Centre dentaire et d’implantologie Boucherville have the answers.
Teething: What to Do?
The Signs of Teething
Generally, the first teeth begin to develop several months before they break through the baby’s gums. While the process can start as early as six months of age, in other cases the first teeth don’t appear until 14 months.
Most of the time, the twenty primary teeth, corresponding to the milk teeth, break through until the age of 3. However, every profile is different and exceptions can occur.
Several signs specific to teething allow you to quickly detect that the process has begun in your child’s mouth. These symptoms include:
- Heavy and increasing salivation;
- Redness and swelling of the gums, but also on the cheeks, chin or other parts of the face;
- Constant urge to chew;
- Loss of sleep;
- Reduced appetite and regular regurgitation;
- Increasingly frequent crying;
- Loose stools.
All of the symptoms associated with teething can be seen a few days before the first teeth come out.

Reducing Teething Impact
Although your child may feel discomfort in his or her mouth, these signals should not be considered alarming. The causes of this temporary pain are natural and the associated aching will pass once the teeth break through the gums.
However, in order to relieve the arrival of a tooth, a few tips can be useful:
- Gently massage the baby’s gums with your finger. Be sure to wash your hands first. Alternatively, you can use an over-the-counter finger toothbrush;
- Place your child’s teats in the refrigerator for a few minutes. The coolness will relieve the itch and decrease excessive salivation;
- Buy your child a rubber teething ring. The ring should be refrigerated beforehand to further reduce the pain. Otherwise, a simple, clean washcloth soaked in cold water can be used to allow the child to chew.
Even if you are willing to do anything to relieve your child’s pain, keep in mind that certain actions should be avoided as they may endanger his or her young health. The use of teething gels, raw or hard foods such as apples and radishes, or the use of a hazelnut necklace that poses a choking hazard should be avoided.
Consult A Professional
It is recommended that you take your child to the dentist at an early age. Within six months following the appearance of the first teeth, an appointment with an oral health professional is necessary.
In addition, it is recommended that you consult a dentist at least twice a year in order to detect potential risks to your child’s teeth.
At the Centre dentaire et d’implantologie Boucherville, our dentists will be able to inform you and advise you on your baby’s teething health. Do not hesitate to book an appointment!