The Real Colour of Teeth
Naturally, teeth can actually be of different colours. From one person to another, the colour varies and this is perfectly normal!
There are essentially four main colour categories, which you can see in the illustration to the right.
- The A family includes auburn or reddish-brown teeth
- The B family is made up of reddish-yellow teeth
- The C family includes gray teeth
- Finally, the D family represents reddish-gray teeth
The vast majority of people have teeth belonging to one or the other of these colour categories.

Naturally White Teeth, An Impossible Dream
On photos, whether in magazines or on social networks, public figures seem to have a bright white smile. However, this does not reflect the reality: natural teeth are never immaculate white.
So if your teeth are rather yellowish, grayish or brownish, there’s not much to worry about: these are natural and normal colours. In fact, the colour of your teeth may change over the years.
These changes are caused by many factors, which may be natural or due to certain habits or treatments.
Time-Effect on Tooth Colour
Over time, the enamel, the surface part of the teeth, tends to become thinner: the dentine, which is located underneath the enamel, is then more and more exposed. Since dentine is naturally yellowish in colour, this has an effect on the colour of teeth, making them appear more yellow or grayish.
As we age, it is normal for our teeth to become a little darker.

If you have any queries or concerns about the effects of aging on your teeth, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your dentist! Our professionals know the subject inside and out, and can provide you with answers and advice.
By visiting our Centre on a regular basis, you can help prevent all the problems associated with aging: our dentists will help you keep your teeth healthy and bright for as long as possible.

Stains Caused by Smoking
It is well known that smoking cigarettes can cause stains on the teeth. There are in fact two main substances involved: on the one hand, tar, because of its very dark colour (brownish or blackish), it has this effect on the teeth. On the other hand, nicotine, although colourless, it turns yellowish when it comes into contact with oxygen, so it too contributes to these undesirable stains.
If you are a smoker or if you have quit smoking and are struggling with dental stains, our dentists can help you diminish them or maybe even get rid of them completely. Don’t hesitate to confide in us about your lifestyle and routine: our professionals listen to you without judgment and are only trying to help you.
Changes Brought About by Diet
Coloured foods and beverages contain chromogens (colour pigments), which are responsible for the colouring of teeth.
Coloured foods and beverages contain chromogens (colour pigments), which are responsible for staining teeth.
The foods and beverages we consume can contribute to the discolouration of our teeth or the formation of stains because of their composition (presence of tannin or high acidity, for example) or their high pigmentation (presence of chromogens).
Regular consumption of these beverages can affect the appearance of your teeth. There are several beverages that are well known for their effect on tooth discolouration, including coffee, tea and red wine, but also sweetened beverages such as soft drinks or dark fruit juices.
Moreover, various foods and spices can also have this effect, including tomato soup and sauce, curry and beets.

Importance of Dental Hygiene
Good oral habits such as brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist not only help you keep your teeth healthy, but also help prevent unwanted colour changes. It is advised that you brush your teeth at least twice a day using the appropriate brushing technique.
Our dentists can remind you or show you this technique: clumsy brushing, in addition to not being as effective, can even be harmful to your teeth and gums.
We can also recommend you on the right type of toothbrush and toothpaste for your teeth to optimize their health and make them last longer!
The Effect of Medical Treatments
Side effects of some medications can include the effects on your teeth, including staining. If you are being treated for any of these conditions, chances are the medication is affecting your teeth:
- Allergies (use of antihistamines)
- A mental health problem treated with antipsychotics
- High blood pressure
- Acne or bronchitis (if taking tetracycline)
If you are taking any medication on a regular basis, whether on prescription or non-prescription, it is important to inform your dentist. He or she will be able to update you about the potential consequences on your teeth and will be able to establish preventive measures with you.
If you have undergone cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation to the neck or head, your teeth may experience some side effects, such as a change in colour.
In fact, these treatments are recognized to have a negative impact on immunity, and this also concerns the mouth, which is frequently forgotten. Our dentists will be able to help you take care of your oral cavity if you have experienced one or more of these treatments.
These two factors, unlike the aforementioned ones, stain the inner part of your tooth, known as the dentine. Your dentist will be able to help you remedy this; over-the-counter whiteners may not be very effective, since they only treat the outer surface.
The Illusion of White Teeth
It is often said that tooth colour is a matter of perception. A person may have the impression of having whiter teeth at certain times than at others. They may also mistakenly think that their teeth are whiter or lighter in colour than someone else. How can that be possible?
Incidentally, because of skin colour or makeup, teeth can appear whiter. Darker skin will inevitably give the impression of brighter teeth due to this contrast; more specifically, darker lips or gums will also have this effect since makeup can create this illusion, if you want brighter teeth, you can even use this technique to your advantage by playing with contrasts.

The Impact of Brightness
The colour of teeth can be perceived differently from one person to another, but even in one person at different times. Makeup was an example, but so is light.
With natural light, for example, teeth appear whiter in the morning and a bit more yellow towards the end of the day. This is due to the colour spectrum of outdoor light, which has a bluish component in the morning and an orange component in the late afternoon.
Similarly, artificial light sources, such as light bulbs, can play with the reflection of bluer or redder components on a person’s teeth.
Teeth Whitening: A Beneficial Option
Today’s society is in search of beauty and some of the most important aspects of a person’s appearance are the teeth, which play a role in the perception of beauty. Just as orthodontics provides a well-aligned set of teeth, teeth whitening provides a brighter smile. At your dentist, your aesthetic concerns are important and we take care of them.

In addition to being an unquestionable seductive asset, for example in your romantic relationships, a beautiful smile could even help you climb the professional ladder, according to several studies. White teeth are a perfect ally in your success, both personal and professional success.
Moreover, a bright, well-aligned set of teeth projects a well-groomed image: since physical appearance is extremely valued in our society, you’ll definitely want to put all the chances on your side by taking care of the appearance of your teeth.
Even if you brush your teeth two or three times a day and floss once a day, these habits are unfortunately not always enough to keep your teeth white. Your oral hygiene may be impeccable, but your type of teeth and certain habits can have an impact on their look.
Tooth whitening can help restore a person’s smile. Our dentists are the most suitable experts to help you regain that radiance. They use the newest teeth whitening technology for a fast and effective treatment.
You can also rest assured that your teeth will get the best care possible with our dental health specialists: your enamel is treated with care, without risk of damage.

Options Tailored to Your Needs
Tooth whitening can be performed in a variety of ways, including fully in-office, partially at home, or fully at home. All of these options are offered by your dentist for optimal treatment; over-the-counter products can also be used, although they are less recommended.
The choice of the type of whitening is yours. Of course, there are budgetary considerations when it comes to whitening your teeth. However, it is important to know that over-the-counter products are less effective than professional whitening and may not produce any results.
Results can vary from person to person: they can be impressive or a little less impressive, depending on the nature of the stains. Your dentist will be able to advise and inform you before proceeding with whitening, so that you can make the best choice.
How Are Teeth Whitened?
Tooth whitening is done with products that are most often based on peroxide (hydrogen peroxide, carbamide or urea). This chemical substance penetrates the tooth, up to the dentine, and attacks the darker molecules through the oxidation process.
The whitening product will therefore reduce and eliminate the stains on the enamel and dentine, without reaching the dental pulp (the inner part).
Your dentist is the best person to prescribe a teeth whitening treatment or to advise you on home treatments that you could use.
The treatments used or recommended by health professionals do not attack your enamel and are designed not to damage your teeth.
Our dentists know how to direct you to the technique that best matches your needs and budget. They will also ensure that your teeth are in proper condition to carry out the treatment.
Whitening performed by your dentist is by all means the quickest and most effective way. One visit is usually enough to give your smile a brighter appearance.
If the treatment is completed at home, you can also rest assured that it will be personalized. The methods used by your dentist may be more expensive, but they are more effective and more reliable than over-the-counter products. You’ll also get more durable results that are worth the cost!
Book your appointment now with our dentists at the Centre Dentaire & D’Implantologie Boucherville to discuss your wish to whiten or remove stains from your teeth. Sensitive to the aesthetic needs of our patients, our dental specialists listen to your needs and explore the perfect solution for you.