Your dentist has told you that you need to have your wisdom teeth extracted. This is an operation that many people undergo! The most discussed aspect of this operation is the pain.
What does this procedure involve? Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed? When is the best time to do it? How do you take care of the postoperative pain? The Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville has the information you need about this procedure!
Wisdom Teeth and Their Impact on Your Teeth
Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the back of your mouth. They generally do not grow in until adulthood. Because they are difficult to grow in due to many factors, dentists will often recommend that you have them extracted.
How do you know if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed? Some people need to have them extracted, some don’t, and some are even born without them! Why do they need to be extracted? There are several reasons why wisdom teeth may need to be extracted.
A wisdom tooth, like any other tooth, can become impacted. An impacted tooth grows normally, but it cannot erupt from the gums. These teeth are mainly a danger of infection and are not useful for chewing.
Reasons to Extract a Wisdom Tooth
They often do not have space to grow properly. A full set of teeth does not always leave room for wisdom teeth to grow out. If it comes out completely, it can grow against your entire current dentition and this can affect your oral health.
The angle of the wisdom tooth may also be a problem when it grows in. A wisdom tooth that grows in at the wrong angle will affect your dentition in the same way that a wisdom tooth that grows in without space will potentially grow against your existing teeth.
Whether your wisdom teeth are fully impacted, semi-impacted or growing in at the wrong angle, it is important to keep a close eye on this issue!
What Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Involve?
First of all, your dentist will confirm the presence and position of your wisdom teeth with an x-ray. It is possible that they may not have to be extracted for a few years, so you will know in advance.
Pain during and after the procedure is something that stresses many people, but don’t worry! The operation is done under anesthesia and usually lasts only about 30 minutes. It can be longer if needed depending on the complexity of the operation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal: How to Deal with the Pain?
You should not feel any pain during the procedure itself, since it is done under anesthesia. The pain will only be felt after the operation. We all know at least one person in our circle who has had wisdom teeth removed and will refer to it as “the worst dental experience of their life”.
Let’s face it: recovery from wisdom teeth removal can be painful. While not always pleasant, it is necessary. A wisdom tooth extracted in time will hurt much less than an extracted wisdom tooth that is infected!
With the right precautions, you will be back to your daily activities in no time.
- The first precaution to help your healing is to talk as little as possible for the first two to three days. Your body is still healing from the surgery – use your jaw only when necessary.
One of those necessities is, of course, eating: what can you eat after your wisdom teeth are removed? First of all, don’t eat anything crunchy or too hot, which could prevent your wounds from healing properly.
- Then, favor soft foods, preferably cold or warm. Soups, soft fruits, compotes, fruit or vegetable juices, fruit shakes – if there is a time when you can eat ice cream when you get up in the morning, this is definitely it!
- Finally, put some ice in a plastic bag or wrapped in a clean cloth and apply it to your cheek for 15 to 20 minutes. These recommendations will facilitate your recovery and ensure that you heal properly.
After four to five days, you can eat bread without a crust, scrambled eggs, or any food that does not make your jaw work too hard. Consult your Boucherville dentist for the best recommendations!
The team at the Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville provides dental care as well as Invisalign orthodontics. Get your smile back: book an appointment for a personalized service that takes into account your requirements and your budget!